Friday, July 25, 2008

Artist Feature - Shane

Our second artist feature is on Shane, who creates unique paintings. Check out what he had to share...

Describe your art/craft:
I would describe our art
bright and colorful,
with intentions to
make you smile.

What makes you passionate about your
art/craft? Watching the reaction of people
as they look at the
canvas, you start to see them turn their
heads and
look at all the different characters. Sometimes
will hear a 'this reminds me of so and so' I love the
smiles people make.

How long have you been creating this art/craft? I have
had this style since middle school... It's always
been just for fun, 'till a
couple of years ago I
submitted a design to the
'Diggin Dino's' promotion...
and m
y wife Kelly and I got chosen to do complete the statue
and it turned out awesome. was very exciting when we
got the extremely positive feedback.

Where do you find your inspiration? I am inspired by my kids.
Especially my 3 1/2 year old son Dylan. He is always
out different things with our paintings. It's fun to know he
enjoys them. I feel my paintings stimulate his
mind because
they are so colorful, and the characters fit together like a
puzzle. Our 9 month old daughter Kiera even
stares at the
paintings. Soon enough she will pointing things out to us.

Thanks Shane! Don't miss his work at SummerFest on August 9th!

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